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Elevation of the Holy Cross

Cruciriction 2~+~

We all carry our Cross (suffering) – the question is: do we want to carry a Cross with meaning, with consolation and hope of Resurrection, or do we want to suffer with a meaningless cross? I think the choice is not a difficult one to make.

Therefore, let us begin to truly honour and respect the Cross of Christ, drawing from it the power of transfiguration and Resurrection. The true honour or carrying of the Cross means truly living according to the Cross.

If we carry our Cross correctly, then, certainly, our eyes will be opened to see that the main focus during suffering is not on our suffering itself, but on our personal relationship with the God-Man Christ, a relationship that we build precisely through suffering. Our cross is actually the way that God has chosen to communicate with us, and which is the most suitable for our salvation. If our attention is fixed mainly on suffering and we do not recognise God in it, it means that we are self-loving, and our spiritual life is an improvisation and is not grounded in Him at all.

So, let us remember: in every suffering we primarily recognise Christ and base, and upgrade our personal relationship in and with Him. The suffering itself is real, but remains in the background, because through acceptance and thankfulness it becomes a source of joy from the newly established and upgraded relationship with our Lord.

If some of the suffering (the Cross) causes us despair instead of joy, it is a sign that we need to alter our relationship with God, that is, a sign that our relationship with God must be erroneous – it is not that of a son (based on a personal relationship with Him), but it is slave or hiree relationship. From the Cross (suffering) should come a joyous sadness from an upgraded relationship with God, not despair.

The acceptance and gratitude to God for that which happens to us does not mean reconciling with some kind of “destiny”, such as “it was written for us that way”, or, it was “given to us by God”, and that we cannot change anything of what is happening to us. The acceptance and thankfulness to God for our suffering is not a passive one-sided relationship, but the fundamental beginning of a new relationship with God, which in itself, in essence, changes things for the better – not only as a relationship to those things of themselves, but also in the real life.

Our relationship with the Living God is a living relationship: we accept something with gratitude, we unequivocally agree with something else, and yet for another, we rebel with love and ask for it to change – everything depends on how well our relationship with Him is built or not. There is no god-resemblance and godlikeness of man, there is no real freedom and love in the relationship between man and God, there is no real relationship between man and God if man also does not have the opportunity to change God’s will. There is no man and there is no God – there is no God-man.

How do we renounce the Cross of Christ?

First, we renounce the Cross of Christ whenever we avoid suffering – which is for the salvation of our neighbours and for our own salvation; when we do not accept the way God has decided to communicate with us, which according to His providence is the most salvific for all of us.

Second, we renounce the Cross whenever we base our security on something that is outside of God and not on Him, that is, on ourselves and our own knowledge and strengths, and on some form of solely human social organization or grouping. For example, when we base our security on the state, nation, party, family or some other types of self-human grouping (usually business and various secret organizations), as well as when we feel secure because of the property and money we possess, as well as human authority.

Any such grounding of our security is a real abandonment of the Cross of Christ. Naturally, the suffering that will surely come will be senseless and full of despair.

In short, the Cross is when we sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others, not when we sacrifice others for our own sake! The cross is that on which and with which I am crucified, not that on which and with which I crucify others.

That is why I keep repeating to you: in the global theatre of illusion in which we live, we do not have many sides, either we will be with Christ and crucified on His Cross or with the other side – the worldly side, in which, by the way, we distinguish two equally dangerous groups – the priestly-pharisee group, who with Judas at the forefront handed Him over (betrayed Him), and the group who condemned and crucified Him.

Our Christian delusion is; that by looking for security in this world and the “earthly kingdom”, we usually opt for that group of the first option, camouflaged in a pious image, which actually betrayed Him; because we are exactly the same as them – not having an inner spiritual cover (aptitude): firstly – for the name Christian, and secondly – for the priestly ranks that we hold. Atheists usually choose the other one – the one who condemned and crucified Him.

Whichever of these two worldly sides we are on, we are not with Christ – let us not deceive ourselves!

“Be wise as serpents” (Matthew 10, 16); so, expose your whole body to the blow except the head, that is, if you have to, lose everything that is material, in order to keep your faith, and therefore do not enter into worldly schemes (of the political parties, national, global schemes) – where you automatically lose your faith.

Making the wrong choice will one day certainly be associated with renouncing the God-Man Christ, but with repentance and confession, and with anointing again with holy Myrrh as an act of return and joining the Orthodox Church. Whoever has ears to hear – let him hear!

Not only wise as serpents, but also “innocent as doves” (Matthew 10, 16). That is how Christianity won and spread in the first three centuries, because it did not repay anyone with evil for evil.

In what manner do we seek safety and security in this world and the “earthly kingdom”, while renouncing the Kingdom of Heaven and at the same time the God-Man Christ? In the same manner as we renounce the Cross of Christ.

First: among us – today’s Christians and our clergy, there is a subtle aspiration (conscious or oblivious) within us, starting with ourselves and our closest family, all the way to the widest community, to create some kind of “earthly kingdom”, in which we will satisfy all our passions – for vainglory, avarice and love for pleasures, not seeing that by doing so we are renouncing the Kingdom of Heaven; and that, is so obvious. In other words, we want to have personal peace, to always feel good, to have all our needs met, without any suffering or lacking anything, which will disrupt all of that.

And second, when we base our personal security, that is, the satisfaction of life’s needs, on something that is outside of God, and not on Him – which we talked about earlier.

Any such self-centered foundation (footing?) of our security, as I have also said before, is a denial (renouncing?)of the Cross of Christ, of the God-Man Christ, and subsequently, of the Kingdom of Heaven.

But we forget that because of our psychological illness this is not possible, and that every evil which happens to us is only a consequence of the absence of the grace of God that we ourselves have denied. I have repeated many times that it is good when we are in delusion (a false state of mind and emotions) to at least know that we are in delusion, and not to think that we are dwelling in the truth.

Do we not notice that the more we try to achieve it, the more that “earthly kingdom” is further and further away from us, and the more such striving destroys us spiritually? We cannot serve two masters, God and mammon – money. Do we not see what is happening around us? The whole world is in crisis at all levels, starting from the personal – from ourselves, to the wider community – the state, and finally, ending with the global society. Seeking the “earthly kingdom”, we remain without the grace of Heaven. predisposition

It is time for us to come to the realisation that from this subtle passion, the search for the “earthly kingdom” and the security which is based outside of God, we all suffer – some less, some more. We have betrayed our own predetermined path and the vows of Holy Baptism, and that we have sold our souls to whatever you call this worldly noise around us – which simply sucks us in, and delivers us to the devil.

Our participation in social networks from some time ago is already recognisable by striving towards the “earthly kingdom” (it is easy to notice) and taking the wrong side – the worldly one. That is why it is an indicator of unrepentance and mutual division.

A minor crisis, and an incredible betrayal of our Christian identity has occurred. What will happen in the case of much greater and more direct persecution and martyrdom? If we, Christians, are no longer an example of a witness of repentance, love and unity, then who is? And if we really seek the Kingdom of Heaven, why then have we not already discovered it in our heart, through the prayer of the mind in the heart, even after so many years of “Christian spiritual life”?

The only good thing, from all this, is that we revealed ourselves – to the point of transparency, and we, ourselves, have seen who we are and what we are – who has seen, yes? It is not at all strange why nominal Christians and the rest do what is characteristic of them, but it is very strange when those who claim and present themselves as true Christians, theologians and priests – regardless of rank they hold, do what is uncharacteristic of them, despite so many warnings.

Is it clear now why they then also renounced the Lord of glory? For the same reason as we do today – because of the aspiration towards the “earthly kingdom” and security without God; with the difference that for them there is some justification; they were waiting for an earthly king, and therefore they will get a second chance. And for us, Orthodox Christians, there is no justification – we should expect and long for the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven with the resurrected God-Man Jesus Christ, in glory.

Remember well; for us, today’s Christians, without true and deep repentance (change-of-mind), there is no second chance.


Lord Jesus Christ, through the Theotokos, have mercy on us!

Metropolitan of Strumica Nahum

(26.09.2022 15:58)

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