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The Holy Martyrs Vera, Nada and Ljubov (Faith, Hope and Love) and their Mother Sophia (Wisdom) — Светите маченички Вера, Надеж, Љубов и мајка им Софија

| September 30, 2023

30 September – 30 Септември ~+~ The Holy Martyrs Vera, Nada and Ljubov (Faith, Hope and Love) and their Mother Sophia (Wisdom) They all lived and suffered in Rome during the reign of Emperor Hadrian. Sophia was wise, as her name implies. She was left a widow, and had established herself and her daughters well in […]

Episcope Partenij: The Mystery of the Cross is the main teaching of the Church of Christ

| September 28, 2023

~+~  My Dears, when an army wins, it displays and raises its flag as a sign of joy and a sign of its victory. The people of Israel, in the time of the Old Testament, were the only guardians of the God-revealed faith, but many times were subjected to temptations (trials) because of their corporal-passions, […]

Епископ Партениј: Тајната на Крстот е главната проповед на Црквата Христова

| September 28, 2023

~+~ Мили мои, кога некоја војска победува, таа го истакнува и издигнува своето знаме во знак на радост и показ за својата победа. Израилскиот народ, во времето на Стариот Завет бил единствениот чувар на богооткриената вера, но многупати бил подложуван на испитанија поради својата похотливост, заради која и отпаѓал од вистината. Едно од неговите поголеми […]


| September 28, 2023

~+~ For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Cor. 1, 18). The Cross and Its meaning Man, having been created in the image and likeness of God, disobeyed the providence of God and his predestination, deceived himself with the […]

Elevation of the Holy Cross

| September 27, 2023

~+~ We all carry our Cross (suffering) – the question is: do we want to carry a Cross with meaning, with consolation and hope of Resurrection, or do we want to suffer with a meaningless cross? I think the choice is not a difficult one to make. Therefore, let us begin to truly honour and […]