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Monastic Wisdom – Elder Paisios ~+~ Монашки мудрости – Старец Паисиј

| March 14, 2022

~+~ AWARENESS OUTSIDE THE CELL My brother, when you get out of your cell, keep in mind the enemy who is ready to attack. And it is terrible that he is evil, so not only does he seek reasons, but he also creates them and entangles you in his nets, in order to harm you. […]

Forgiveness Sunday – Father Gabriel Galev

| March 5, 2022

~+~ This Sunday is “Forgiveness Sunday”, a day for forgiveness and reconciliation between one another and with God. Forgiveness is the foundation and beginning of spiritual life as is the Great Lent also. In the preceding weeks before Great Lent commences, the Holy Church taught us about pride, humility, repentance, the Last Judgment of God, […]

Прочка – Oтец Гаврил Галев

| March 5, 2022

~+~ Оваа Недела е прочка, ден за простувањето и помирувањето меѓу себе и со Бог. Простувањето е основа и почеток на духовниот живот како и Големиот Пост. Во претходните недели Светата Црква не поучуваше за гордоста и смирението, за покајанието, за судот Божји, а сега и за простувањето. Простувањето е како врата. Ако простиме, ние […]